• Is this papercraft hard to make?

It is easy. Do not worry! It is simple paper folding and glueing. No hard complex origami. It is quite a simple handmade project. Paragami 3D wall art consists of many single blocks/pyramids. You will be assembling each block one by one. It is nothing to be scared of. It just might be time-consuming as some of the designs consist of hundreds of pieces…


  • Are Paragami templates for PAPER FOLDING or 3D PRINTING?

Paragami has both types.

Are you a fan of paper crafting and you want to fold this wall art out of paper? You are probably looking for PDF to print, or DXF, SVG files for a plotter. Then browse

Are you a fan of 3D printing and you want to 3D print this wall art? You are probably looking for STL or STEP files. Browse

  • What is the best 3D PRINTING SETTINGS for this 3D wall art?

The slicing settings vary depending on the model. and mainly on its individual blocks/pyramids.
If the pyramid is too inclined and contains a very gradual angle of rise, it is necessary to set more permiters, or set the preservation of shell thickness.
The settings also depends on the printer and its condition. If you further post-produce the 3D model, you can print it with a higher layer. The printing will be faster and you can cover the notches with colored spray. To get started, we recommend this setting:

Layer height: 0,2 - 0,3 mm
Perimeters: 2-3
Infill: 5% (Rectilinear)
Bottom Solid Layers: 2
Top Solid Layers: 3
Additional Setting: Extra perimetest if neede, Minimum Shell Thickness, Detect thin walls, .

Read more TIPs & TRICKs


  • What Filament should I use for 3D printing?

There are no special recommendations for the filament brand. The blocks are simple shapes, so any decent filament brand will work fine.

If you plan to do post-processing (such as using filler and paint), you don't even need to look for a specific color.

Regarding the material, we recommend PLA over PET. PET is prone to stringing, which you wouldn't want to clean off the pyramids. PLA has a nicer print quality, and since Paragami is 3D wall art, not something that requires strength, you don’t need additional mechanical properties.

Extra tip: Try gradient filaments that blend colors. On Paragami, they create a very unique look.


  • How much time does it take to 3D PRINT this wall art? And how much filament is used?

Get a rough estimate of the material required to 3D print the default scale of Paragami 3D model exports in this article.

Bear in mind the printing time and material weight depend on your individual settings and machine.

You can also make your own an estimate!


Drag and drop the entire model into the Slicer.
Go to Printer Settings and set the print bed large enough to accommodate the entire artwork.
Then configure the print settings—layer height, speed, infill, perimeters, and bottom and top solid layers.
After generating the gcode, you will see the approximate time and material consumption.


  • Is the 3D MODEL EXPORT prepared for 3D PRINTING?

Yes, it is.

The 3D Export download package comes with two versions of the Blocks:

1) with numbers at the bottom (easy to sort out)
2) without numbers, plain (for faster printing).

Both versions come in three setups:
A) One big file
B) Grouped by colour
C) Individual blocks - which have the number and colour group written in the file name.

There is also a PDF layout grid in the package. Which you print on paper, or just draw it directly on the backboard (it is usually a simple grid). You can also do it without the grid and just place the block by hand.

  • What to use as a backboard?

Read more in this article.

If the dimension of the art are bigger, than your board, make the backboard from two boards - just remember to stagger them to maintain structural bond: ┇ or ┊┇

You can draw the layout grid directly on the board.


  • What PAPER weight should I use?

Learn more in this article
Any kind of…it is better to make samples and try the different weights. Find out the best fit for you. It also depends if you are cutting it out with scissors, or if you use a machine.  We recommend using colour paper 120g - 240g. The lighter paper is easy to cut and fold, however, the tougher paper the stiffer the final geometric art.


  • Can you PRINT A3 format with A4 printer?

All our templates are having a version for A4 and A3 paper sheet.
If you print A3 scaled down to A4, you will end up with the final art size of 70% of the original size. It would still work.

For A4 printers it is much better to use the PDF generated for A4 size. For A3 printer use the PDF generated for A3 size.

How to properly  set up the PDF for print. And how to print full scale layout with limited paper sizes: read more in this article 


  • Can I use US Letter paper instead of A4 paper?

Yes, you can.

A4 paper size is 210 x 297mm (8,27 x 11,69 inch) / US Letter size is 215,9 x 279,4 mm (8,5 x 11 inch).

Both formats have almost the same dimensions. US Letter is wider and slightly shorter. The blocks have a margin while being arranged on the A4 page. You can print it on a US letter in 100%, the margins should cover the difference between the A4 paper and the US Letter.

In case your printer does not print till the edge of the paper, print in "Scale to Fit" mode. This will slightly scale the blocks down (11.69-inch page to 11-inch). The overall art will be slightly smaller as well, but the geometry will work the same.


  • What COLOUR paper should I use?

Learn more in this article
All of them. Parametric design created visually attractive patterns, get the best out of it! Hard folds of the paper create an astonishing 3D effect when floodlighted. Explore the effect of light and shade, contrast, and repetitive patterns. Find a perfect colour range for your interior home decoration and experience true 3D wallpaper. f


  • Which GLUE should I use?

We use regular paper stick glue, which you can get in any paper shop. Or go more professional with a paper art glue such as Zip Dry. Alternatively, hot glue guns have good results as well. it is fast hardening and quite firm. In any case, always keep your hand clean as it is very easy to make the paper dirty. We recommend using latex or cotton gloves. Read more about what else you should get before the start.


  • How to CUT IT OUT?

You can print it (PDF) and cut it out manually with SCISSORS/SCALPEL.

    Or you can use the vector data (DXF) and cut it mechanically with a PLOTTER (Cameo Silhouette). Read more in this article.


      • What is included in the DOWNLOAD PACKAGE?

      It is always good to know what you are purchasing. Please see this complete manual.

      The download consists of a vector PDF Template (arranged to A3/A4 paper format by default) and multiple DXF files, which are compatible with most of the programs. It is possible to use DXF to set up the plotter (Silhouette Cameo) or a laser cutter.


      • When do I get it?

      Paragami Templates are digital products and have instant downloads. You will be able to download the files immediately after the purchase.
      The download link will be ready on the page after the checkout procedure. You will also receive the download link to your email.


      • Why you do not allow REFUNDS?

      We sell digital items. Digital items aren't eligible for returns or exchanges, because of the nature of these items. Once you download the file, you have it. While it's not possible to return and refund, when you reach out with a problem, we will do our best to resolve the issue and find a fit. Please contact us.


      • Can I resell the Wall Art?

      If you assemble the wall art based on our templates, you can sell the final masterpiece as an individual, as a one-time affair. For example you make it and later sell it ot a friend;)

      However, if you are going to use Paragami commercially - regularly, you need to be granted with an official license.

      Join our ParagamiPRO MEMBERSHIP!

      This exclusive membership gives creative entrepreneurs like you the official license to use Paragami designs commercially!

      Enjoy the advantage of a whopping 50% discount on all designs!
      As a valued member, your profile will be prominently featured on our platforms as a certified artisan maker. And count on priority support.

      We would be very grateful if you indicated us as the authors. Paragami developed the design, and you brought it to life. It's a collaboration.

      Reselling or any other sharing of the core digital files and templates is strictly prohibited. Paragami Templates are intellectual property.


      • Are you open to collaboration?

      Of course! Definitely yes! Reach out with your ideas. We would love to set up win-win deals.


      • Can I purchase the templates as a business?

      Yes, you can. Please contact us in advance to prepare the invoice for tax purposes for you.
      Remember, if you will be using Paragami commercialy, you need a license, which is included in the ParagamiPRO MEMBERSHIP package.

      Do not buy a pig in a poke! We offer a free temple to try. All you need to do is to subscribe. Subscribe here


      • Silhouette Cameo or Cricut?

      We are currently updating all the templates with SVG versions (for Cricut, A3 format). This process will take some time. All designs that already contain SVG files can be found in this collection.

      The updated package is automatically sent to all customers retrospectively.

      You can also test your machine with the EXAMPLE FILES or FREE TEMPLATES.

      I do recommend Silhouette Cameo - I have it and the templates are tested. It works great - the DXF import works flawlessly. The Studio (software) has all the necessary tools. Import respect the dxf layers/colours and you can easily set cut/stroke/speed..etc. If you need help with setting up Silhouette Cameo - read here.

      Do you own Circuit? We haven't tested the files with cricut. Some customers have difficulties with importing the dxf files - the Cricut sofware exploded the polylines and merged all the layers. You can try it with the free template, just subscribe and get the FREE template to test. If it will be success, let us know, we would like to share with others!:)

      Cricut should be also fine with templates that requires only one setting - all cutting. Such as out collection CUTOUTS.

      Paragami download packages also include "pre-dashed" lines. Those are lines for the folds, which are already dashed by the geometry. Then you can plot it all with just one setting - cutting all the way through. The folding lines will be dashed.

      Some customers were able to transform the .DXF files into .SVG in their graphic program. Or try out some of the online converters DXF/SVG.